Cleaning Shoes
My dad used to clean my shoes. Most weeks while I was living at home, at school it happened, and once even when I was again briefly living at home, aged 31. I would come down in the morning and there my clean shoes would be, sitting neatly and black-again on the doormat, or I'd see him in the evening out in the cold utility room brushing away. And that is one thing I praise my dad for, and love him for.
Now what kind of polish do I need to buy, anyone?!
Now what kind of polish do I need to buy, anyone?!
At most shoe stores you can buy these foam-like pads, that already have polish in them. You simply wipe your shoe down with these pads, and viola: perfectly polished!
The Sunday Artist, At
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Dear English Hen,
How do I follow your blog?
Please add the option from the list of gadgets.
-Bhanu(aka theguywhowrote)
theguywhowrote, At
Sunday, March 07, 2010
this isn't really about shoes, but i just wanted to tell you that you are a good writer.
God bless you as you continue to write. i've got a blog on here, too, but i don't wanna tell anyone who knows me because i don't want to feel like i have to write a certain way. make sense? i just want it to be honest feelings. yours is great for that!
everydayjane, At
Tuesday, March 09, 2010
Sheesh, my dad doesnt seem to do anything.
Anonymous, At
Friday, April 02, 2010
If your dad loves you really, You will buy a shoes factory for you
Arif Ammar, At
Thursday, April 08, 2010
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