Life of an English Hen

Friday, July 20, 2007

How do you wash your hair?

My colleague Deborah is gradually being sucked in by all these personality quizes, which is actually quite fun cos then she does them on me when I go to visit her, and we both get to giggle lots. The latest (last night) was what part of my body enters the shower-water first: shoulders, face or hair. I replied probabaly my big toe, and from there up; shoulders the first of the three. For her, her hair is wet before she knows it, she said. Two different approaches to life?!

The other one shared last night was, if I saw a picture of a rectangle, a triangle, a circle or a heptagon, which would I pick? I hummed and harred between the cirle and rectangle, then chose the circle. Apparently this means I am very diplomatic. If I had chosen the rectangle, I would instead have been very domineering.

The last was about my blood type. I am A-positive. I can't actualy remember what this says about me - maybe cautious or cheerful or something?!


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