Life of an English Hen

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Lots of Hard Work.

As I have just completed all the essays (except the dissertation) for my course, I am happy to share what I've been learning with friends so as not to hog all the new knowledge!

Just as an overview, my MA in Intercultural Studies in Asian Contexts at Redcliffe College, 2009-2010 consists of five modules:

• Method and Content in Missiological Study
• Postcolonialism and Globalisation
• Crucial Issues in Asian Mission
• Encountering Buddhism
• the Dissertation

As well as participating in lectures on these topics, I also have had to write essays. As I have just completed all these except the dissertation, I am happy to share what I've been learning with friends. Therefore if we are already friends, and if you want to read any of them or talk about them let me know. The titles of what I've been doing are below.

*Method and Content in Missiological Study

Prepare a written account of how you would construct and write a research dissertation investigating a subject or theme of your choosing from within the discipline of applied theology.
(4500 words)
December 2009.

How would a theology of the kingdom of God contribute towards changing the church’s understanding of the goal of mission?
(4500 words)
January 2010.

*Postcolonialism and Globalisation

Many observers are concerned about the effects of globalisation on the poor. Evaluate the arguments from a Christian perspective.
(4500 words)
December 2009.

Select one film and one literary work that illustrate postcolonial themes.(I chose Barack Obama's Dreams from my Father book, and the film Rabbit Proof Fence); Explain why you have made these selections by describing themes.
What relevance do these have to contemporary mission?

(4500 words) November 2009.

*Crucial Issues in Asian Mission

What are the influences of global and traditional culture in the lives of today’s Japanese young adults, and how should these influence the Western Christian missionary in relating to Japanese young adults?
April 23rd, 2010
Essay (4500 words)

A Book Review of Kishore Mahbubani’s ‘The New Asian Hemisphere: The irresistible shift of global power to the east. ’
April 23rd, 2010
Book Review (2000 words)

Ancestor Care in Japan

1st April 2010
Presentation Handout

Engaging with the Japanese indigenous churches:Why did the Japanese indigenous church arise, and what useful engagement can we have with the indigenous churches in our countries of calling?

March 2010
Presentation Handout

*Encountering Buddhism

An analysis of the Buddhist belief of no-self and a brief Christian response.
February 25th, 2010
Short Essay (2000 words)
‘Analyse a practice or belief within Buddhism, offering a brief Christian response’

Analysis of some Points of Contact between Pure Land Buddhism and Christianity
April 12th, 2010
Long Essay (4500 words)
‘Discuss the key beliefs and/or practices of a school of Buddhism and identify
points of contact with Christianity.’

The practice of the transmission of the Buddhist faith in the Heian period in Japan
Monday 15th March, 2010.
Presentation Handout.


An investigation into the factors contributing to the differences in internationalization of the regional staff teams of two selected Christian organisations which both hold a mission focus.
to be submitted August 23, 2010.